
hong kong dollar debt securities中文是什么意思

  • 港元债务证券



  • 例句与用法
  • Hong kong dollar debt securities
  • The availability of a set of official fixings for benchmark efbn will help develop the hong kong dollar debt securities market
  • In december 1993 , the hkma extended the service to other hong kong dollar debt securities . it offers an efficient , safe and convenient clearing and custodian system for hong kong dollar debt instruments
  • In december 1993 , the hkma extended the service to other hong kong dollar debt securities . it offers an efficient , safe and convenient clearing and custodian system for hong kong dollar debt instruments
  • At the end of 1996 , the outstanding amount of the hong kong dollar debt securities was $ 281 . 4 billion , comprising $ 91 . 9 billion of exchange fund papers and $ 189 . 5 billion of private sector issues
    一九九六年年底,港元债券的总发行额达2 , 814亿元,包括外汇基金票据919亿元和私营机构发行债券1 , 895亿元。
  • The article finds that while new issues of hong kong dollar debt securities declined overall during the year , new corporate debt issuance surged , reflecting strong demand for high - quality corporate paper
  • Mr norman chan , deputy chief executive of the hkma , said , " the favourable response to the non - competitive tender of the notes suggests significant potential demand for high quality hong kong dollar debt securities among retail investors
  • Exchange fund bills and notes are hong kong dollar debt securities issued by the hkma . hk 117 billion of efbn was outstanding as at end - november 2002 and the average daily turnover of efbn in the third quarter of 2002 stood at about hk 23 billion
  • The hong kong dollar debt market has continued to expand . the size of the debt market , as measured by the outstanding amount of hong kong dollar debt securities , reached $ 473 billion at the end of 2000 , compared with $ 443 . 7 billion at the end of 1999
    按已发行港元债务证券总额来计算,本港的债市规模在二零零零年年底达到4 , 730亿元,而一九九九年年底则为4 , 437亿元。
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